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Governor Extends Driving Hours to Assist in Delivery of Heating Oil and Propane

Despite high demand due to persistent cold weather, heating oil and propane will continue to flow to Pennsylvania homes due in part to the extension of the drivers’ hours-of-operation exemption issued by the Governor’s Office.

In order to meet the heating needs of Pennsylvanians, today the Governor’s Office extended the drivers’ hours-of-operation exemption, originally put in place pursuant to the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency issued on January 26, 2015 (Exemption 2015-01A). Today’s extension would continue the drivers’ hours-of-operation exemption until March 14, 2015 (Exemption 2015-01B).  The Governor is authorized to grant such a waiver pursuant to 75 Pa. C.S. § 6108 (the power of the Governor during emergencies), 49 C.F.R § 390.23 and 67 Pa. Code Chapter 231 (the regulations prescribing minimum requirements and qualifications for commercial drivers).

The waiver will allow drivers of propane and heating oil to remain in the drivers’ seats for 14 continuous hours as opposed to the non-emergency limit of 11 hours.  The mandatory off-duty time a driver must take between shifts remains at 10 hours.

Also exempt during this extension is the requirement that drivers be limited to the 60/70 hour rule which limits a driver to 60 hours in 6 days or 70 hours in 7 days.

All regulations on drivers’ conduct while driving and the prerequisites in place for obtaining a CDL are still in place and have not been waived as part of this emergency proclamation or extension of it. (Pennsylvania Vehicle Code Title 75 and 67 Pa. Code § 175.)

This extension of driving hours for drivers delivering heating oil and propane should allow for increased deliveries to meet the heating needs of Pennsylvanians.


Governor Waives Hours Regulations for Propane and Heating Oil Transport Drivers

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has issued an Emergency Proclamation temporarily waiving certain state and federal motor fuel carrier regulations for propane and heating oil transport carriers.

Due to the extreme cold weather experienced across the state over the last week, the Governor has waived motor carrier regulations relating to hours of service for drivers of commercial motor vehicles transporting propane gas and heating oil.  The waiver is intended to aid residents of Pennsylvania in receiving necessary fuels to keep their homes heated. The waiver was issued by the Governor pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 7301(c) of the Emergency Management Services Code (35 Pa.C.S. § 7101).

The waiver became effective immediately and will terminate at 12:01 a.m., January 26, 2014, unless extended by an amendment.

Emergency relief waiver extends hours of service for truck transport drivers in Pennsylvania

Pursuant to the Proclamation of Disaster Emergency issued by Governor Corbett on October 26, 2012, the Secretary of Transportation, Barry J. Schoch, has signed a waiver extending the hours drivers may drive in a single shift from 11 to 14 hours.  This waiver applies to drivers carrying motor fuels, heating oil, or propane.

These drivers are also exempted from the 60/70 hour rule.  This waiver is in effect until November 14th, 2012.

 Special Bulletin Hours of Service Waiver