F.I.O. Finally Makes its Recommendation: “Hybrid” State-Federal Insurance Regulation

Back in June 2011, we reported here that Congress’ brand new creation known as the “Federal Insurance Office” (FIO) had found its first Director in former Illinois regulator Michael McRaith.  We cautiously anticipated then the issuance of the FIO’s initial report to Congress, scheduled for January, 2012, regarding the effectiveness of the state-based system of insurance regulation, as well as recommendations for changes and improvements.  Industry stakeholders speculated then about what the establishment of this new federal bureaucracy might signal and what role the Feds might be looking to assume in their industry in the wake of scares about financial instabilities surrounding major U.S. insurers. The decades-old debates about federalism in the regulation of insurance were sparked anew and we waited for word from Director McRaith and his Office.  And we waited.  A year passed and we waited some more.  Another year passed and the Feds rolled out their health insurance marketplace and that went…well, they did roll it out!  You may have heard.

At long last, the FIO finally issued the long-overdue report to Congress on December 12, 2013.  So what does it say?  Well, not surprisingly, the Feds do see a role for themselves in insurance regulation, but the states should have one too, the report says.  A “hybrid” model of state-federal regulation is recommended, for now.  As summarized in its accompanying press release:

[T]he report concludes that in some circumstances, policy goals of uniformity, efficiency, and consumer protection make continued federal involvement necessary to improve insurance regulation. However, the report concludes that insurance regulation in the United States is best viewed in terms of a hybrid model, where state and federal oversight play complementary roles and where the roles are defined in terms of the strengths and opportunities that each brings to improving solvency and market conduct regulation.

The report acknowledges the massive undertaking, and expense, that would be required to re-shape insurance regulation into a pure federal model, and further recognizes the importance of local (state) regulation for best understanding and responding to the market close to its consumers.  Thus, a hybrid model is probably best, the report concludes, but modernization is necessary and the report suggests some specific areas where states must improve, including with respect to:

  • Capital solvency/financial soundness of companies
  • Resolution practices reforms
  • Marketplace monitoring and regulation improvements

The report is in.  The debate carries on.

New law expands Insurance Department authority to review health insurance rates

Small group plan health insurance rate increases of more than 10% must be filed and approved by the Pennsylvania Insurance Department under a new law signed by Governor Corbett in late December, 2011.  The expanded authority under Act 134 to review small group health plan rates in Pennsylvania comes in response to provisions in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that give the federal government the authority to disapprove such increases unless they are reviewed at the state level.

In Pennsylvania, health insurance rate reviews were largely deregulated in 1996 and the Insurance Department maintained only the authority to review rate increases for “Blues” plans, HMO’s and individual plans.  However, under the PPACA, state governments without authority to review increases of more than 10% for plans insuring 50 or fewer individuals would cede the authority to do so to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).  Lacking such authority in Pennsylvania, HHS had already begun interceding by disapproving several proposed increases.  Under the new law, authority to regulate health insurance rates is again restored to the Commonwealth, which can disapprove them if they are deemed “excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory.”

Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Michael Consedine praised the legislature for restoring part of his office’s authority in response to the PPACA, noting the “need for states to maintain control over their marketplaces in a time of uncertainty in the regulation of health insurance as opposed to ceding it to the federal government.”

While Act 134 does restore authority to review certain increases in small group rates, “large” group plans covering more than 50 lives remain outside of the rate review authority at either the state or federal level.

The full text of Act 134 can be accessed here:

Act 134 in PDF Format via State.Pa.Us

Pa. Insurance Department encourages insurance producers to help all flood victims

The Pennsylvania Insurance Department has delivered a clear message to all licensed insurance producers: you are expected to provide guidance to flood victims, even if they have no insurance to cover their losses.

In a memo issued on September 22, 2011 by Jack Yanosky, Director of the Bureau of Licensing and Enforcement, the Department expressed disappointment that “in some instances” insurance producers have simply indicated that they “could not be of any service” to consumers lacking coverage.  Additionally, some consumers with flood insurance coverage have apparently been referred by their producers to the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) with no other guidance provided.

According to Mr. Yanosky’s Memo, “this is not an appropriate response.”  Instead, the Department expects insurance professionals to “provide helpful information and direction when people are at their most vulnerable,” including advising them to visit local Disaster Recovery Centers (DRC) and educating them regarding their coverage, making a claim and where to find information about other potential forms of assistance, including grant money.

A copy of the memo can be viewed here:  Memo to PA Producers

Additionally, the Insurance Department has established an online Disaster Recovery Guide, which can be found at the following link:


Pennsylvania officials confronting tough issues in health insurance

Few current social or political topics stir the emotions quite as much as health care reform.  Whether you believe that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is a sign of imminent and apocalyptic American socialism or an important step towards ensuring that all Americans have access to basic health care, nothing can ruin a tranquil Sunday dinner at Grandma’s house quicker than prodding Uncle Charlie into a debate about whether Uncle Sam is taking over our health care system.  But politics aside, if anyone was naïve enough to hope that the health care debate ended when President Obama signed the bill into law in March, 2010, they are facing the reality that 18 months later there still seem to be many more questions than answers when it comes to the future of health insurance in America.  And in Pennsylvania, while state government officials are busy deciphering how their citizens can get the most out of the PPACA, they are also distracted with having to deal with another potentially critical health care problem in the western half of the state – where an impasse between the area’s largest hospital system and the dominant health insurance company threatens access to doctors and hospitals for millions of patients who already have good insurance.

Amid Congressional rumblings about repealing the PPACA, and President Obama’s assurances that he would veto any such bill, numerous legal challenges to the law’s constitutionality are winding their way towards a seemingly inevitable showdown next year in the Supreme Court.  A federal judge in Pennsylvania recently became the latest to rule on the constitutionality of the law’s mandate that every American must purchase health insurance when Middle District Court Judge Christopher Conner issued a decision on September 13, 2011 that would strike down that provision.  While this ruling is likely to be appealed to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, the same issue has already reached other federal circuit courts, with inconsistent outcomes.  This split among the circuit courts on such an important constitutional question, with implications for every American, significantly raises the already high stakes in the legal battle and virtually assures that the Supreme Court will need to resolve it.

Meanwhile, the PPACA remains the law of the land and Pennsylvania officials, like their state government counterparts across the country, are scrambling to meet its deadlines including the establishment of the health insurance “exchanges” that are to begin functioning in 2014.  The exchanges are considered a key component of the PPACA and are conceived as an online marketplace for one-stop shopping for health insurance, where individuals and small groups can compare prices and benefits from various insurers and choose the coverage that best suits their needs.  State governments have the opportunity to decide the details of how exchanges will operate and who will manage them in their state, but the federal government will step in and offer its own exchange to citizens of any state that either declines to establish one or fails to gain federal approval of its plan by January 2013.  This deadline may seem far off, but many basic details remain unclear and state legislation is still needed to establish them.  Thus, the pressure is building for states to make a number of critical decisions now, or face the possibility of ceding authority to the feds over a potentially significant aspect of its health insurance marketplace.  This challenge is made even more difficult given the limited and serially-issued guidance received from the feds thus far in the form of proposed Department of Health and Human Services regulations.

Adding further political intrigue to Pennsylvania’s decision-making regarding the PPACA is the fact that Governor Tom Corbett was among the first state officials in the country to launch a legal challenge to the law when he was serving as Pennsylvania’s Attorney General.  With that case still being resolved by the courts, Governor Corbett now finds himself with responsibility for implementing the law he thinks is unconstitutional.  While this may be ironic, the Governor has of course expressed his commitment to following the PPACA as long as it remains in effect.  Still, the pendency of various state lawsuits attempting to defeat the law only adds to the nearly palpable tension between the states and the feds, a tension that seems likely to continue to grow as deadlines approach and as court decisions against the law continue to pile up.

Whether or not Governor Corbett’s heart is in it, his administration is hard at work evaluating its options and responsibilities regarding health insurance exchanges in order to determine how they can help Pennsylvanians.  As part of this process, Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Mike Consedine recently held a series of public forums across the state to gather input from interested stakeholders, including health care providers, insurance companies and producers (agents), special interest groups and citizens.  Although Commissioner Consedine has indicated that no decision has yet been made regarding whether Pennsylvania will establish its own exchange, if it does, some key considerations will include:

  • Will the state partner with the feds or perhaps with other states?
  • Will it be run by a state agency or some other non-profit entity?
  • Will multiple exchanges serve various state regions or types of groups?
  • Will the exchange supplement or replace the existing health insurance market?
  • What insurance companies will participate?
  • What products will be offered?
  • What role will insurance producers have?
  • And of course, who will pay for it???

With these and many other questions remaining unanswered, much work remains in the months ahead before the concept of health insurance exchanges can become a reality.

As if health care reform issues were not enough, Pennsylvania officials are exploring their options and threatening to intervene in a standoff that has reached the boiling point in western Pennsylvania, where the largest hospital system has declared that it will soon stop allowing in-network access to the 3 million patients covered by the region’s dominant health insurance company.  The problem involves the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Health System (UPMC) and its expiring contract with Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield (Highmark).  Earlier this year, with negotiations to extend the contract already seriously strained between the two behemoth non-profits, Highmark made a game-changing announcement that it intended to enter the hospital business by acquiring the floundering West Penn Allegheny Hospital System.  In response, UPMC has forcefully declared that it would not enter into a new contract, asserting that since Highmark’s decision to purchase a hospital system made it a direct competitor as a health care provider, UPMC was no longer interested in partnering.

This standoff has serious implications for those 3 million Highmark subscribers, since out-of-network rates could cost them as much as 3 to 4 times more to access UPMC’s world-class network of 20 hospitals and 2700 doctors, effectively driving them out.  To make matters worse, existing state law provides little authority to force the parties into an agreement.  As a result, the State Senate and House have both recently convened hearings on the issue, compelling the company presidents, as well as the Insurance Commissioner and other stakeholders to testify in order to determine what legislative remedy might be needed to break the impasse.  With so much at stake, some sort of government intervention is likely inevitable, but in the meantime the uncertainty in the market is undoubtedly already causing ripple-effects as businesses and individuals make long-term decisions about their insurance choices and health care providers.

New Federal Insurance Office gets a Director, but will it get regulatory authority?

Michael McRaith officially began his new job earlier this month as the first Director of the Federal Insurance Office (FIO or Office) after serving for the past six years as Director of the Department of Insurance in President Obama’s home state of Illinois.  The FIO was established by the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010 as an office within the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and represents a part of the Congressional response to concerns about the financial stability of certain large domestic insurers and their subsequent taxpayer bailouts in 2008 and 2009.  Director McRaith will report to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.

At this time the FIO has only an advisory role and monitoring authority over the business of insurance, while regulatory authority remains vested at the state level.  However, the establishment of the Office has caused a great deal of speculation, both within the industry and among state regulators, regarding whether it represents a significant first step towards shifting insurance regulation to the federal level in the future.

Whether federal insurance regulation becomes a reality may ultimately depend on the continued financial security of major insurers in the U.S., since further perceived instability could increase the pressures on state regulators to prove to Congress that the current system remains the most effective option.

For now, Director McRaith will have the opportunity to help shape the new Office’s role, which includes responsibility to recommend to the (also new) Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) those insurers that should be subject to regulation by the Federal Reserve System due to a determination that their financial (in)stability poses a risk to the national financial system.  The Office will also advise the Treasury and White House on insurance matters, report to Congress about the industry, and have some limited preemption authority over state laws that affect international insurance arrangements.  The contents of an FIO report due to Congress in early 2012 regarding the status of insurance regulation could provide the first tangible indications of future agenda-setting for possible shifts in regulatory responsibilities; it will certainly have the full attention of industry stakeholders looking for clues about the future oversight of the business of insurance in the United States.