Governor Waives Hours Regulations for Propane and Heating Oil Transport Drivers

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has issued an Emergency Proclamation temporarily waiving certain state and federal motor fuel carrier regulations for propane and heating oil transport carriers.

Due to the extreme cold weather experienced across the state over the last week, the Governor has waived motor carrier regulations relating to hours of service for drivers of commercial motor vehicles transporting propane gas and heating oil.  The waiver is intended to aid residents of Pennsylvania in receiving necessary fuels to keep their homes heated. The waiver was issued by the Governor pursuant to the provisions of Subsection 7301(c) of the Emergency Management Services Code (35 Pa.C.S. § 7101).

The waiver became effective immediately and will terminate at 12:01 a.m., January 26, 2014, unless extended by an amendment.

Vehicle-Tank Meter Installation Deadline Extended

On January 3, 2012, the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) issued a Special Bulletin extending the deadline for persons who own fuel oil delivery trucks to comply with section 3.31 of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Handbook 44.  Section 3.31 of NIST requires installation of special equipment on fuel oil delivery trucks so that proper testing can be performed for temperature adjusted product.  The deadline for the installation of this equipment has been extended from July 1, 2011 to October 1, 2012.

Section 3.31 of NIST requires fuel oil trucks, equipped with automatic temperature compensators, have the necessary equipment installed such that testing can be performed in (a) the liquid chamber of the meter; or (b) immediately adjacent to the meter in the meter inlet or discharge line.  This type of testing will be performed by the enforcement staff of the PDA’s Weights and Measures Division.  Fuel oil delivery trucks subject to the meter installation requirement that are found to be non-compliant after October 1, 2012 will be subject to rejection and taken out of service.

The Division of Weights and Measures is responsible for regulating the quantity of the following products and services that consumers buy:

  • Retail Motor Fuel Dispensers
  • Coal
  • Firewood
  • Home Heating Oil
  • Liquid Propane Gas
  • Small and Medium Commercial Scales
  • Large Truck Scales
  • Checkout Scanner Systems
  • Package Checking
  • Petroleum Terminal Facilities