Victory For Sunoco Pipeline in Second Round Before PUC

Public Utility Commission (PUC) Commissioners gave Sunoco Pipeline a fighting chance at exemption from local zoning for outbuildings housing utility structures on the Mariner East Pipeline, finding prima facie evidence that Sunoco is a public utility and overruling the ALJs’ July 23, 2014 Initial Decision granting preliminary objections finding to the contrary.

The Commissioners’ October 2, 2014 Motion dismissed the ALJs’ reasoning that relied on the unpredictable “to or for the public” standard to find lack of public utility status, instead focusing on the fact that pipeline routes and services have been certificated since the 1930s and the Commission’s July and August 2014 grant of certificates to Sunoco, finding this to be prima facie evidence of public utility status.  The Motion also criticized the reasoning of the ALJs, holding that wholesale service alone can constitute service to or for the public.

The Commission remanded what it termed the “narrow” issue in the case – whether to exempt from local zoning the buildings housing the 18 pump stations and 17 valve control stations Sunoco plans to install along the pipeline – noting this case does not concern approval of the overall Mariner East project or construction of the actual valve controls and pump stations.

In a procedural twist, the Commission also dismissed the parties’ other preliminary objections, including issues such as whether the Environmental Rights Amendment of the Pennsylvania Constitution prohibits Sunoco’s requested relief, even though the ALJs did not rule on these objections.  Commissioner Cawley dissented, arguing that the objectors should have the opportunity to get an ALJ ruling on these issues.  Given that these issues were resolved only through preliminary objections, which carry a high standard of proof and only prevent the case from going past the pleading stage, the ALJs and Commission will likely be presented with the questions again after the hearing.

NIMBYs and Environmental Groups Win First Round Before PUC Against Sunoco Pipeline

Sunoco’s proposed Mariner East pipeline that would transport natural gas liquids (NGLs) from Pennsylvania’s rich Marcellus Shale production in Western Pennsylvania to processing plants in southeastern Pennsylvania, received a blow from Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission ALJs on July 23, 2014.

Under Pennsylvania law, if the PUC finds public utility buildings or structures to be “reasonably necessary,” they are exempt from local zoning.  Seeking such an exemption for the 18 pump stations and 17 valve control stations enclosed in metal buildings that it plans to install in 31 separate locations in order to carry the NGLs across Pennsylvania, Sunoco Pipeline filed petitions with the PUC seeking such an exemption and requesting a finding that the buildings are “reasonably necessary” for the operation of its pipeline.  The rub is that the exemption is not available unless the applicant is a “public utility,” and under recent PUC decisions, the determination of whether an entity is a public utility has gotten less and less predictable.

In reaching their conclusion the ALJs relied on a number of factors, ranging from Sunoco’s recent abandonment of service on portions of the line to questions about whether the new proposed service transporting propane and ethane is subject to regulation at all, and, even if it is, whether the service to be provided will be, as required under the statute, “to or for the public.”

The ALJs summarized Sunoco’s petitions as “premature at best” because Sunoco’s applications to operate its NGL service from west to east are still pending before the Commission in other dockets, and its status as a public utility entitled to the exemption is not clear.

Sunoco has the opportunity to file exceptions to the ALJs’ decision to the PUC.