Press Release


Kevin J. McKeon, partner in Hawke McKeon & Sniscak, LLP of Harrisburg, PA, was appointed to the Pennsylvania Appellate Court Procedural Rules Committee on June 15, 2011.  The Committee makes formal recommendations to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on changes to the Rules of Appellate Procedure.  The Committee members work collegially to make recommendations based on developing case law, new legislation and their own experiences.

McKeon’s experiences include a substantial appellate practice involving appeals from administrative agencies including the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, the Professional Boards and the Insurance Department.  He also is active in original actions before the Commonwealth Court and often works with trial counsel on appeals from trial courts.  McKeon also appears before the federal circuit courts of appeal, typically in energy matters on appeal from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

McKeon co-authors West’s Pennsylvania Appellate Practice, a three volume treatise on appellate procedure in Pennsylvania, which is updated annually. A frequent lecturer on appellate and administrative law issues for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute and Widener School of Law, McKeon is a member of the Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, American and Energy Bar Associations, as well as the James S. Bowman American Inns of Court.  Mr. McKeon can be reached at

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